Services You Need
To make your money work hard for you, you need talent and experience, along with the right resources and strategy. JS Investments is a Family’s financial service power house, which provides a one-stop solution for all your long-term investment & insurance needs. We can help you build and manage your portfolio of investment & insurance and maximize your returns.
Fund Monitor & Information
We keep our tab on various news and performance in Mutual Fund Industry, to deliver the very best to our clients. Given below are few such section for your direct access and information, like- NFO information, Dividend announcements, Performance meter etc.
Small steps can take you a long way
Start a
systematic Investment plan with us
to meet your long term financial goals
A ridiculously simple way to build wealth
Spend Less Than You Make and Invest the Difference Wisely. Notice how it’s composed of three separate yet connected ideas to form a single concept:
Spend Less
Spend Less

Stop unnecessary shopping & expences and Keep a daily and weekly spending record for future.

Earn More
Earn More

You can earn more money by trim all your extra and unnecessary expences.

Invest Wisely
Invest Wisely

Best Strategies to Invest Money Wisely In order to reach big financial goals.

Get in touch with us
Stay focused. To succeed you must believe. When you believe, you will succeed

Unit no 138, 1st Floor Navanketan Complex, Near Clock Tower, S.D.Road Secunderabad - 500003



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